Why Do I Get a UTI After Sex?

The opening of your urethra is close to the vagina and clitoris, so Friction during sexual activity can push bacteria closer to, or up into, the urethra. Urinating before and after sex, washing the genital area daily, and using birth control with a spermicide may help minimize your risk.

Drinking water and frequently peeing also helps prevent UTIs.


Having sex, especially with new partners or multiple partners, can raise your risk for a UTI. This is because bacteria from the genital area (especially around the anus) can migrate to the urethra and bladder during sexual activity.

Because the urethra is so close to the bladder, this can cause an infection quickly when it happens. In addition, friction from insufficient lubrication can increase the risk of infection. Bacteria from the penis or from a penetrating toy can also be transferred to the urethra and bladder.

The anus is the most common location for a urinary tract infection, but it can happen in any part of the urinary system. It is also possible to get an infection in the ureters or kidneys, but these are less common. In most cases, the bacterial infections are caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), a type of bacteria that normally lives in the intestines and helps digest food.

The good news is that there are things you can do to help prevent UTIs, including drinking lots of water and peeing after sex. When you pee after sex, it creates a jet stream that can push bacteria out of the urethra, helping to lower your risk for an infection. Women should wipe from front to back and avoid using birth control that includes spermicide or diaphragms, which can kill healthy bacteria and increase the likelihood of a UTI.

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If you’re suffering from a UTI, you might experience burning sensations when you pee and pain in the bladder or lower abdomen. You may also have a fever, chills, or nausea and vomiting. If you’re experiencing a very severe case of a UTI, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection.

The main cause of a UTI is bacteria that moves up the urethra into the bladder. Sex increases the risk of this because friction from vaginal sex can cause bacteria to irritate the skin on the rectum and travel up the urethra. This can trigger a urinary tract infection in women and men.

You can try to reduce your chances of getting a UTI after having sex by drinking lots of water and urinating often. This will help flush bacteria out of the urethra and bladder. It’s also important to wash your genital area before and after sexual activity. It’s a good idea to wipe from front to back. You should also use lubricant. If you have a history of UTIs, it’s also a good idea to talk to your doctor about changing your birth control method. Some types of birth control can increase the risk of infections, including spermicide and diaphragms.

A UTI is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, but it can be an indication that you have a sexually transmitted infection. If you have frequent or recurring UTIs, it’s worth talking to your doctor about changing your birth control methods or using antibiotics to prevent future infections.

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There’s no way to prevent a UTI, but you can reduce your chances by taking precautions during sexual activity. For example, make sure you use a lubricant that’s bacteria-free (not scented), wash your hands before and after sex, and avoid sexual positions that can irritate the bladder or urethra. Also, drink lots of water to help keep the bladder clean.

A UTI is a urinary tract infection that causes pain and discomfort, and it’s usually caused by Escherichia coli bacteria, which are normally found in the large intestines. Sexual activity can move these bacteria toward the vagina or urethra, and it’s common for women to get UTIs after sex because their urethras are shorter than men’s.

Thrusting during sex can irritate the urethra, which increases your risk of getting a UTI. Using a lubricant that contains spermicide can further increase your risk because it promotes the growth of E. coli, the bacteria behind 85-90% of all UTIs. If you’re a woman who uses a diaphragm for birth control, it may be time to switch to a different type of contraceptive because the spermicidal ingredients in these types of devices can also cause UTIs.

A UTI that’s limited to the bladder can be painful and annoying, but serious complications can develop if it spreads further up into the kidneys. Seek medical treatment as soon as you notice symptoms to nip it in the bud and prevent the infection from spreading.


Practicing safe sex reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections, which can cause UTI-like symptoms. Any genital contact can introduce bacteria into the urethra, whether or not penetration is involved, so it’s important to use condoms during and after sex. If you are concerned about getting an STI, see your doctor to get tested for one.

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Taking the time to wash your genital area, especially after a bowel movement, can help prevent infection. Wiping from front to back after using the bathroom can also reduce your chances of bacteria entering the urethra. Women should also wear loose-fitting cotton underwear and avoid douching. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding products that irritate the genital area can also help prevent infection. Some gynecologists recommend women take cranberry juice or supplements to support bladder health and prevent UTIs.

If you have a UTI, it’s important to avoid vaginal sex until your symptoms improve. The discomfort caused by sex can make the experience unenjoyable for both partners, and it can also aggravate the condition.

You can safely resume sex after a UTI is cleared up and you’ve finished your antibiotic course. However, it’s a good idea to practice preventive measures, such as taking a shower and wiping from front to back after urinating, and using lubrication during sex. In addition, if you have a history of recurring UTIs, talk to your doctor about preventive medications and lifestyle changes.

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