Why is My Penis Leaking?

Penile discharge is normal, especially during times of sexual arousal or when you’re about to ejaculate. However, any penile discharge that occurs outside of these situations should be investigated by a health professional.

Discharge that occurs without sexual arousal may be an indicator of an infection or condition like gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. It’s important to visit a sexual health clinic as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

1. Urethritis

Unexplained penile discharge can indicate urethritis, which is an inflammation of the urethra. The urethra is the tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body and includes the opening at the end of the penis where urine and semen pass through. If you experience a watery, clear or yellow-green discharge from your penis, this is likely caused by urethritis.

Urethritis can be caused by infections like gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes, or by injury to the urethra. Symptoms of urethritis include pain with urination, swelling or redness of the penis or testicles and itching in the genital area. In addition, a bacterial infection can lead to blood in the urine or semen – This resource is provided by the service sexoctopus.com.

If you have a painful urethra, you should see your doctor right away to get tested for STDs. A swab can be taken from the urethra and sent for testing to determine what is causing your symptoms.

The treatment for urethritis will vary depending on the results of the tests and whether you have gonorrhea or chlamydia. You will probably be given antibiotics. If you have chlamydia, your healthcare professional may also recommend that any sexual partners you have contact a local clinic to be tested and treated if they have not already been. This helps prevent the infection from spreading to other people.

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2. UTI

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are bacterial infections that can affect any part of the urinary system, including the bladder, urethra, and kidneys. In some cases, the infection may spread to the prostate gland. This can cause pain and a burning sensation during urination, or it may lead to a feeling of not being able to fully empty the bladder. Some men may also experience dribbling from the penis after they use the bathroom. This is called post-micturition dribbling and occurs because the muscles surrounding the urethra don’t squeeze as hard after the urine leaves the body. It’s important to see a doctor or sexual health clinic as soon as possible if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of a UTI.

While urinary tract infections are more common in women, they can occur in men too. This is because bacteria and other infection-causing organisms that live in the anus or vagina can easily reach the urethra, which is much shorter than the bladder. Infections in the urethra and bladder usually require antibiotics to be treated effectively.

The most common signs of a UTI include burning when you pee, pain with urinating or having sex, frequent trips to the bathroom, and a strong smell coming from your urine. Because the symptoms of a UTI closely resemble those of more serious conditions like STDs and STIs, it’s important to get evaluated and receive treatment quickly to avoid complications.

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3. STDs

The urethra at the tip of the penis only transports urine and semen, so a discharge from there that isn’t either of those can be a sign of an infection. Men may also experience itching around the genitals in this case. Discharge can be watery (clear), white, yellow, or green. It is important to consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible and disclose your sexual history.

Fluid leaking from the penis can be a result of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or non-STI-related causes, including scabies, an infection that makes small bumps on your skin and is passed via skin-to-skin contact. Itching from scabies is common and can be treated with medication you can get at the drugstore. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomonas vaginalis are also bacterial infections that can cause a discharge from the penis and can be treated with prescription antibiotics.

If you think your discharge is due to an STI, be sure to test with a specialist at-home kit from Your Sexual Health. It is important to be diagnosed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of long-term symptoms and increase your chances of not passing on the infection to a partner. After a diagnosis, it is also important to tell your sexual partners so they can be tested and treated as well.

4. Allergies

While it is normal for men to produce a little discharge from the penis with sexual intercourse and arousal, abnormal fluid leakage from the glans can be a sign of an infection. It is important to see a doctor if you notice any form of penile discharge, especially if it looks like white or yellowish pus with a foul smell.

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Infections that can cause penile discharge include urethritis, balanitis, phimosis, a UTI or herpes. These infections are often accompanied by pain with urination, pain with ejaculation and itching of the genital area. Yeast infections are also common in uncircumcised males & can look similar to penile discharge.

Itching of the genital area can be caused by a number of conditions including STIs, dry skin, and irritation from soap or detergent. Allergies are another common cause of itching & can affect the entire body, including the genital area. Oatmeal baths can help relieve itching & reduce inflammation of the penis. Mix a cup of ground oatmeal with lukewarm water & soak the genital area for 20 minutes, twice a day.

If you have had unprotected sex, it is essential to request a blood and urine test as soon as possible. This can help prevent a sexually transmitted disease from progressing to an advanced stage & make treatment much more effective.

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