After Sex Effects in Females

Girls may experience a range of feelings during sexual intimacy. Some of these include orgasms, a sense of closeness with their partner, and even a temporary increase in breast size.

The clitoris and uterus also swell when an individual is sexually aroused. This is especially true for women. In some cases, this can lead to pain. Using a lubricant can prevent this.

1. Feelings of Attachment

Sex can create feelings of love, attachment, and closeness with your partner. However, sometimes these positive feelings are followed by negative emotions such as sadness or irritability. This is a common occurrence known as postcoital dysphoria. According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, these negative emotions are a result of a breakdown in the bond that was created with your partner during intercourse. These negative feelings are typically followed by a sense of loss and can make it difficult to continue a relationship with this person.

Feelings of attachment after sex are often a result of the brain releasing oxytocin during arousal, stimulation of the genitals and nipples, during orgasm, and after sexual intimacy. Oxytocin is a hormone that promotes feelings of attachment and trust in your partner. It is a natural part of the sex process, and can be an important step in creating a strong emotional connection.

However, this feeling is not exclusive to women, and can occur in men as well. A study found that couples who engage in more sex, reported more positive affection six months later than couples who engaged in less sex. This is because sex can increase levels of oxytocin and lead to increased levels of emotional attachment, regardless of whether the sex was consensual or not. This is why it is important to be completely honest with your partner about the type of sex you want to have.

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2. Semen Leaks

If you’re not using protection, you might notice a small amount of semen leaking from your penis or vagina after sex. The good news is that if this happens, it’s totally normal. The liquid that leaks out of your penis is called semen, and it contains sperm cells as well as other bodily secretions that help sperm survive on their way to fertilize an egg.

The actual sperm only makes up a small portion of semen, however, and most of the fluid comes from the prostate and seminal vesicles. It also includes a bunch of other nutrients like protein, zinc, sodium, fat, and traces of vitamin C.

During sexual arousal, both men and women’s penis, labia minora (the inner vaginal lips), and the clitoris contract and swell. This is done to create space for the sperm to travel inside and reach an egg cell.

Once the sperm is inside, vaginal secretions destroy most of it, and only a tiny bit makes its way up through the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes. That little bit could cause pregnancy, but only if it happens during your fertile window.

3. Emotions

When sex takes place, there is usually some kind of chemical release. This release, known as oxytocin, makes us feel connected and loved with the person we are sleeping with. Unfortunately, oxytocin can make it difficult to produce a logical assessment of the person we sleep with. This may be why it is hard to see red flags, such as loud chewing or their lack of eye contact.

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When the sexual interlude ends, it is not unusual for people to experience a feeling of sadness or frustration. Often, this is the result of a broken bond. According to sex therapist Ian Kerner, this is because our brains are programmed to create a bond with a partner during sex. This is a natural response to the release of hormones. When this is over, it can feel like a loss.

In addition, this melancholy can occur because of a lack of connection. This is especially true for women. They can be more likely to feel rejected after a casual or one-night stand than men are. This is because most women need a deep emotional connection to enjoy sex, while most men can shut down this side of the equation and be happy with casual sex or a one-night stand.

This kind of postcoital sadness is called post-sex dysphoria and can happen even when the sex was consensual, pleasurable, and maybe caused orgasms. Some of the reasons this can occur include guilt, relationship feelings, body issues, or past sexual trauma. If these feelings are frequent, it is best to speak with a therapist.

4. Urinary Tract Infections

It’s no secret that frequent sexual activity and exposure to spermicides (essential components of some forms of birth control) are major risk factors for urinary tract infections. But what you may not know is that women can also get UTIs after sex, particularly if they have a history of them or are already experiencing symptoms like burning when they pee and pink-tinged urine.

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A UTI can happen when bacteria from the genital area is pushed closer to, or up into, the urethra during sexual activity. During penetration, friction and pressure can cause the anus to swell and push bacteria near it toward the urethra, according to Ross. And the shorter urethra of women makes it more susceptible to these types of infections.

Drinking lots of water, especially immediately after sex, can help lower the risk for infection by flushing out bacteria in the bladder and urethra, says Yavagal. She also recommends wiping from the front to avoid introducing bacteria into the urethra, and using contraception that doesn’t contain spermicides.

It’s also important to wash the genital area with warm water daily and before sex to keep it clean and free of bacteria. And if you’re already experiencing symptoms of a UTI, like a burning sensation when you pee or pink-tinged urine, visit your doctor right away. They can prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

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