Many men have a slight curve in their penis when they are erect. As long as it is less than 30 degrees and doesn’t cause pain during sex, this is normal.
The curved shape happens when blood flows into spongelike spaces inside the penis during sexual arousal. These spaces can become stiff with scar tissue.
A slight curve of the penis is normal and even desirable in some men. However, a more pronounced curve can be a sign of Peyronie’s disease and may lead to painful erections.
During sexual arousal, blood flows into spongelike spaces in your shaft called the tunica albuginea, which helps make your member firm and straight. But if scar tissue or plaque builds up in this membrane, your penis might get stuck in this position and become stiff or bent. This is why you might notice a loss of girth of the penis shaft, pain during sex or a more hourglass shape to the shaft.
This condition usually develops after an injury to the penis while it’s erect. But it can also be caused by other injuries or an autoimmune disease such as lichen sclerosis. In some cases, the problem might improve on its own and no treatment is needed.
If you notice that your penis is starting to curve, it’s important to talk with a healthcare professional, especially if it starts to hurt or affects your ability to have sex or urinate. It’s also a good idea to see a therapist or psychiatrist to help you and your partner(s) process any changes that might be stressful. You can visit Planned Parenthood or another local health center for support, or contact a sex therapist if you need more specific help.
A slight curved penis is normal and most men notice it during puberty. A more pronounced curve may be congenital or due to a penile injury. But if it is painful or interferes with sexual function, it’s time to see your doctor.
A curved penis isn’t always bad and can even be more effective for penetrative sex. When blood rushes to the penis, it causes two sponge-like structures inside the shaft to grow and bend. As long as the curvature is less than 30 degrees and doesn’t cause pain during sex, it is fine.
More severe curvatures can be a sign of a condition called Peyronie’s disease, which is when scar tissue forms in the tunica albuginea, which keeps the penis straight. Symptoms include a loss of girth in the shaft of the penis, pain during sex and difficulty getting an erection.
A curved penis can also be a symptom of other diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. But it’s most often caused by a traumatic injury or surgery, such as after an auto accident or from sports injuries. It can also be caused by an infection. If your curved dick is painful or doesn’t go away on its own, it’s best to see a urologist to get diagnosed. They can recommend treatments that can help reduce the curve and ease your pain.
A slight curve of the penis when it’s erect is normal, as long as it doesn’t cause pain or discomfort during sex. A more significant curve or one that gets worse may be a sign of Peyronie’s disease, which can lead to painful erections and other symptoms.
In the early stages of this condition, doctors usually recommend traction therapy to stretch and straighten the penis. If this doesn’t help, the doctor might inject a medicine called potassium para-aminobenzoate into the plaques to reduce their size, which can be done in the doctor’s office.
For more severe cases, a surgeon might need to cut away some of the hardened plaque and use a skin graft to fill the gap. However, this surgery can make the penis shorter, so it’s not always recommended.
A curved penis can be uncomfortable or even painful for both partners during sexual intercourse, which may affect your relationship. If this is causing problems, you should seek professional help from a counsellor with experience of sexual difficulties.
A curved penis is nothing to worry about, especially if it doesn’t cause pain or prevent you from having sexual intercourse. But if your curve increases or gets worse, it’s important to see a healthcare provider as soon as possible to avoid the most serious condition, Peyronie’s disease.
This condition occurs when a build-up of scar tissue or plaque forms in the tunica albuginea, the fibrous membrane that holds your member straight. The condition can affect any part of the shaft, but is most common near the head or base of your penis.
One of the most popular misconceptions about a curved penis is that it happens because of tugging. While it’s true that a man’s penis naturally lies toward the side of his dominant hand while masturbating, this has nothing to do with why the member curves. Tugging also won’t change the angle of your dick, even if you change the direction in which you rub it.
Occasionally, a minor injury to your penis can cause a slight curve, as well. The corpora cavernosa, which houses the urethra, is enveloped by the tunica albuginea, and a fracture can cause it to tear or rupture, leading to pain, loss of an erection and a curved dick. Likewise, some diseases, such as lichen sclerosis, can shorten the urethra, which can make your member more likely to bend downward.
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