How to Balance pH After Sex

The body is home to bacteria that help keep your pH levels balanced. But there are a lot of factors that can throw this delicate balance out of whack.

Unprotected sex impacts your pH levels because semen is alkaline, and during sexual activity your vaginal pH rises to protect the sperm as they travel. This can make you more susceptible to yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.

Cleanse Gently

The sex organs hang outside of the body and are susceptible to bacteria that can affect your vaginal pH balance. Using the right soap can keep these organisms at bay. However, don’t jump in the shower right after sex and rub your penis and vulva – that could disrupt the delicate microbiome inside your vagina.

Sex and unprotected intercourse can change the natural acidity of your vulva, which can increase your risk for yeast infections like BV and bacterial vaginosis – This section comes from the portal’s editor This is because sperm and semen are alkaline, which can affect the vagina’s naturally occurring pH level.

Moreover, you should avoid douches and feminine hygiene products that contain added fragrances and chemicals, as these can disrupt your pH levels. Instead, use a gentle cleanser that’s free of harsh ingredients and is formulated for the female intimate area. Then, wash your vulva and anus gently with warm water and soap. Always remember to wipe from front to back to prevent the transfer of harmful bacteria from your anus to your vagina. If you’re concerned about your pH levels, talk to your gynecologist.

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Drink Plenty of Water

Your lungs and kidneys help keep your pH balanced by controlling the amount of carbon dioxide you exhale. This is important because too much carbon dioxide makes the blood acidic, and too little alkaline, which creates metabolic acidosis.

Drinking plenty of water is an easy way to prevent acidity. Your body needs about 2 liters of water per day. The best types of water are unsweetened filtered water and cranberry juice. These beverages will increase urine production in your body, flushing out toxins.

Having plenty of water will also increase your supply of pre-ejaculate fluid, which will make your penis more lubricated for sex. Additionally, drinking water before sex may help you last longer in bed.

Vaginal infections like yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV) can upset the vulva’s natural pH balance. Using barriers such as condoms during sex and avoiding douching can help keep your vaginal bacteria in check and prevent these infections. In addition, taking a probiotic or dietary supplements can help support healthy bacterial levels. In some cases, a gynecologist may need to test your pH level and recommend treatment options if it is out of balance.

Eat Healthy Foods

Your vagina does an amazing job of taking care of itself but certain lifestyle habits can disrupt your pH balance. Scented douches, tight-fitting clothes and even too much semen can throw off the balance. A balanced diet, regular gynecological visits and safe sex are all important for maintaining healthy ph levels down there.

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Adding foods high in probiotics to your diet can also help. Hill and Bohn told Insider that consuming foods such as yogurts, sauerkraut, kefir and cranberry juice can replenish the “good bacteria” in your body that maintain a normal vaginal pH.

Other nutrients essential for vaginal health include Vitamin C (think citrus fruits, bell peppers and strawberries) and potassium. The latter helps to counteract the effects of sodium in the blood, which diminishes blood flow to the genital area and makes it harder for you to get a good orgasm. So go ahead and eat those bananas. They’re not only delicious but they can also help you reach orgasm faster by increasing the amount of water and estrogen in your system.

Take a Probiotic Supplement

A healthy vagina is slightly acidic (between 3.8 and 4.5 on the pH scale), which helps protect it from harmful bacteria and maintains a balance of good bacteria (lactobacilli). But there are many things that can upset your pH balance, including sex without protection, using glycerin-based lubricants, and not wiping correctly.

Fortunately, there are lots of easy ways to restore your body’s healthy pH level. Avoiding unprotected sex and douching is important, and consuming probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut can help keep your bacterial levels in balance. Taking a targeted probiotic supplement, such as Happy V’s vaginal health formula, can also help rebalance your pH and support a healthy microbiome.

In addition, if you’re experiencing itching or irritation in the vaginal area, this can be a sign that your pH is out of balance. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor. They can determine what’s causing your pH to be out of balance and recommend the best course of treatment. For example, if your pH is off due to unprotected sex, they may prescribe an antibiotic, such as Metronidazole, to treat the infection and restore your bacterial levels.

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Use pH-Balanced Products

The vagina has a special microbiome that naturally keeps it more acidic than the rest of your body. This healthy acidity helps ward off bad bacteria, keeping you healthy and happy down there!

However, certain hygienic habits and lifestyle changes can disrupt your pH balance. This can lead to bacterial overgrowth, unusual discharge, or even an infection.

Unusual vaginal odor, usually described as fishy, is one of the most common signs that your vaginal pH is out of balance. This odor may be accompanied by itching and irritation in the area. Unusual changes in the consistency or color of vaginal discharge can also signal a change in pH.

The good news is that most of the things that can throw off your vaginal pH are preventable. Avoiding douching and unprotected sex, using the right kind of lubricant (such as Lunette Cup), practicing proper hygiene, and taking a daily probiotic can all help keep your pH balanced. Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing persistent symptoms.

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