Does it Make Me Last Longer in Bed If I Jerk Off Before Sex?

Many people believe that masturbating before sex will help them last longer during intimate sessions. This belief is based on the idea that masturbation will lengthen the refractory period, which is the time it takes for a male to ejaculate after an orgasm.

While this strategy can be useful for men who have problems with premature ejaculation, it’s not the best option for everyone.

1. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy

There’s no real scientific proof that masturbating before sex makes you last longer in bed. However, it’s important to listen to your body and figure out what works best for you. For example, some people find that if they masturbate 30 minutes before sex, they’re ready to get down. Others, on the other hand, need to wait a little bit longer to achieve an erection that feels solid enough for them.

Additionally, masturbating alone can help you learn more about your own sexual desires and trigger your orgasms on your own without the pressure of a partner. This can be especially helpful for men, who often suffer from ejaculatory dysfunctions. (This includes premature ejaculation, no ejaculation at all and problems with orgasms during sex.)

Masturbating can also teach you more about your own sexual triggers and arousal patterns, which will help you become a better performer during sex. For example, if you know your partner is a wanker, you can try to delay their climax by starting at about 80% and gradually slowing down as they approach the point of no return. This technique is called “edging” and it’s a great way to extend penetration and orgasms during sex. The key is to be mindful and practice regularly to master your own arousal patterns. This will ultimately help you last longer in bed with your partner and have a more fulfilling sexual experience overall.

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2. It’s a psychological issue

For many women, masturbation can be a very satisfying experience. Many find that they can get orgasms and feel horny without the need to have sex. Some even find that bringing themselves to orgasm in masturbation can help them to last longer when they do eventually have sex.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you try this technique. It’s important to remember that masturbation can be addictive and compulsive, and that it can cause pain or physical discomfort when used incorrectly. It can also interfere with sexual relationships and lead to dissatisfaction and frustration. Additionally, if you are using rough or vigorous masturbation techniques it can lead to injury or irritation of the genitals.

Another thing to consider is that masturbation can actually make it harder for you to reach climax during sex. This is because when you masturbate you go into a period called the refractory phase. This means that your erection will lose its strength and you will be insensitive to stimulation. This can be a problem for people who struggle to maintain an erection or who have shorter refractory periods.

While masturbation can be a fun and satisfying experience, it’s not a good solution for all sex problems. If you are struggling to last longer or have a hard time reaching climax, you should try other methods of increasing your stamina.

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3. It’s a physical issue

Masturbation is a fun, natural way to learn more about your body and practice self-love. It is also an extremely effective tool for turning on and lasting longer during sex. This is mainly due to the fact that masturbation helps your erection last longer after you’ve climaxed. The period after ejaculation is called the refractory phase, and during it you will be unable to maintain an erection without further stimulation. Therefore, it’s a good idea to masturbate just before getting intimate, especially if you want to keep your climax for as long as possible.

Some people believe that masturbation before sex releases hormones that slow your sex drive or help you get rid of pent-up sexual tension, but there’s no scientific evidence for these claims. However, masturbating just before a first date can be a great way to calm nerves and feel more comfortable before meeting someone new.

If you’re struggling with premature ejaculation, there are ways to address it without having to jerk off. You can try using a delay spray, which is a lidocaine or benzocaine-based topical spray that can desensitize your nerves and decrease the intensity of the initial orgasm. You can also try putting pressure on your vulva, which can help you postpone the point of no return and extend your orgasm. Ultimately, it’s best to take your time and try different techniques until you find what works for you.

4. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy

It’s no secret that masturbation is a pleasurable experience. It releases feel-good hormones like endorphins and oxytocin, which are known to improve mood and promote relaxation. Some people also find that masturbation can help boost sexual passion. Many couples also use it as a foreplay ritual to get intimate and prepare for sex.

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But is it actually good for you? Well, it depends on how you use it and your unique physiology. For example, if you are someone who struggles with premature ejaculation or problems with getting an erection, then jerking off may not be the best idea for you. Rather, try using delay sprays that contain lidocaine or benzocaine to desensitize your penis and help you last longer.

Additionally, if you masturbate to the point that you’re close to a orgasm, it can help you last longer during intercourse. If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction or difficulty maintaining an erection, you may want to speak to your doctor about the issue.

However, for those who don’t suffer from these issues, then masturbating before sex may be the right choice. It helps you practice a slow and mindful approach to pleasure, which is important for intimacy with your partner. Plus, it can help you understand how your body responds to different types of stimulation. This is especially helpful if you’re trying to figure out your erogenous zone or personal fantasies.

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