How Much Is Penis Enlargement Surgery?

Men of all ages are interested in enlarging their penises. For some, this is a matter of self-confidence and for others itโ€™s a way to improve their sex life.

The most common surgical procedure is fat transfer to the penis which adds girth and length. Another option is to remove the frenulum.


The cost of penis enlargement surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure performed. Surgical procedures like ligament transection and fat transfer are usually more costly than non-surgical penile enhancement options such as dermal filler injections. The experience and skills of your provider also contribute to the overall cost of your penis enlargement procedure. Your surgeon should be able to provide a cost estimate during your initial cosmetic consultation.

In some cases, the cost of pre-surgery exams might be included in your initial treatment plan. These tests typically include a full blood panel and may be necessary to ensure that you are a good candidate for the surgical procedure. The cost of anesthesia may be a separate fee โ€“ This information comes from the service General anesthesia is more expensive than local anesthesia. The reason is that anesthesiologists have more training and expertise than nurses who perform local anesthesia.

The invasive penis enlargement surgeries, such as the suspensory ligament release and Penuma implant, require general anesthesia. This drives up the cost of your procedure. During your consultation, it is important to discuss the potential costs of pre-surgery exams and anesthesia with your surgeon or clinic. In addition, you should be aware that the costs of any complications or revisions might also add up. Be sure to factor in all the potential costs when calculating your total penis enlargement cost.

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Penis enlargement surgery involves procedures that either increase length or girth, or both. Increasing girth is more straightforward than lengthening the penis, but both can be done. Some of the options available are silicone implants, fat tissue transplants or liposuction. The most common procedure is the silicone implant, where a surgeon makes an incision above the penis and inserts a slender slip of the material. Fat transfers, which use grafts of cells taken from other areas of the body, are another option but tend to have unpredictable results since the fat is often reabsorbed by the body within weeks.

Surgical procedures can be costly, especially when you consider the surgeonโ€™s fee, anaesthetistsโ€™ fees and theatre or hospital fees. Some invasive surgical procedures require pre-surgery tests, which can also add to the cost.

Whether you decide to opt for a surgical or non-surgical procedure, you should be clear about what you want from the outcome. Many men choose to have both length and girth increased equally, while others are happy with one of those aspects more than the other.


Penis enlargement surgery can provide relief from painful or debilitating conditions that affect your self-image and sexual performance. It can be performed for cosmetic reasons, or to treat a condition like Peyronieโ€™s disease that causes pain and bending of the penis during an erection. In addition, it can also help restore a sense of confidence for men who feel embarrassed by their short or small penises.

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Before you undergo this procedure, your doctor will give you a physical exam to see if you are a good candidate for the treatment. They will check your overall health and take a few blood tests including a chemistry panel and CBC to make sure you are not suffering from any underlying medical problems that could cause complications.

The day of your surgery, you will need to bring ID and your medical insurance information. You should also bring someone with you who can drive you home after the operation because you may be groggy and sore. You will need to wear a compression garment after your surgery and follow the doctorโ€™s instructions for caring for the wound.

You should expect some pain and soreness after the procedure but this can be controlled with painkillers. You should avoid over-exerting yourself and rest to speed up recovery. A few weeks after the procedure, you will need to go for a follow-up appointment so the doctor can remove your catheter and examine the penis for any signs of infection or inflammation.


Most insurance providers consider penis enlargement surgery an elective cosmetic procedure and do not cover the cost. However, if you have an underlying condition that can be treated by the surgery, your insurance may cover it. In addition, some manufacturers of the implant offer financial assistance programs that can help you afford the procedure.

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In general, the best candidates for male enlargement surgery are healthy men dissatisfied with their penis size or length. Those with micropenis or a buried penis (a condition that causes the penis to be hidden beneath the skin from the stomach, thighs and scrotum) can also benefit from surgery. Penis enlargement surgery can increase the length and girth of the penis, making it longer and more erect. It can also help you feel more confident in intimate situations.

Many medical insurance companies and Medicare will cover the cost of penile implants, but they do not always have clear approval criteria. Additionally, physician reimbursement rates are lower for the procedure than most other surgeries.

The surgeon will insert a permanent penile prosthesis, which is made of medical-grade silicone that resembles the natural penis. The procedure is very safe, and patients experience minimal fluid buildup and infection. However, as with any invasive surgical procedure, there are inherent risks. Your doctor will discuss these with you during your consultation.

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