How to Give a Blowjob With Braces

Many people worry that having braces will prevent them from providing oral pleasure to their partners. But the good news is that, with some care and consideration, it’s possible to give a blowjob with braces.

The most important thing is to be extra careful to avoid injuries or cuts. This means covering your braces if possible, taking things slowly, and using plenty of dental wax or silicone on any rough areas.

1. Cover Your Braces

Oral sex with braces can be an intimate and sensual experience, but it requires special attention to avoid injury to the person receiving the oral sex or their partner. It’s important for the person with braces to keep their lips closed during oral sex to minimize friction against them, and using a generous amount of lubrication can help reduce the chance of discomfort or injuries. It’s also important for the person with braces to be cautious with their movements and to avoid any sudden or forceful moves during oral sex in order to prevent the brackets from cutting or irritating the partner.

Although it’s rare for brace injuries to occur during oral sex, they can happen, especially if the wearer is not careful enough. The metal parts of the braces can irritate or cut the inside of the mouth, and they may even catch on or tear the penis, which can lead to severe bleeding, pain, and inflammation. Furthermore, a small cut in the mouth can be a source of infection and increase the risk of STI transmission.

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Luckily, these risks can be minimized with a bit of planning and careful execution. If the wearer of the braces has any concerns about kinky sexual activities, they can practice on a doll or a pillow before trying it on their partner. They can also use a mouth shield, or if this isn’t an option they can apply dental silicone or wax to the rough points of their braces to create a protective barrier.

2. Be Careful With Your Lips

While some people worry that having braces will make oral sex difficult, this doesn’t have to be the case. It just takes some practice, patience, and care to ensure that both you and your partner are happy and safe.

One important thing to keep in mind is that you should always use plenty of lubricant when giving a blowjob with braces. This will help reduce friction and the risk of accidental injury to your mouth or your partner’s genitals. Also, remember to be gentle and take it slow; sudden or forceful movements can increase the risk of injury or damage to both your mouth and your partner’s genitals.

In addition to lubricant, it is also a good idea to have some dental wax on hand in case any brackets or wires start to rub against your gums. If this happens, you can simply smooth some of the wax over the area to protect it from irritation.

Finally, it is important to communicate with your partner throughout the process. This will help you both feel comfortable and confident about the activity, and it will also help you to avoid any potential injuries or discomfort. Keeping these tips in mind, you can enjoy your sexual intimacy while wearing braces, and you won’t have to sacrifice the health of your smile or the happiness of your partner.

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3. Take It Slowly

When you first get braces, you’re likely to go through a bit of an adjustment period as you learn how to brush, floss, talk, and even eat with the brackets and wires in place. Take your time getting used to these new additions to your mouth before you try anything as intimate as giving a blowjob.

It’s also important to communicate with your partner during this process. Make sure both of you are clear about what you want and don’t want, and keep an eye on each other to prevent any injuries or mishaps.

While oral sex may be safe for many couples, it isn’t without risks. In one viral video clip that recently surfaced on social media, a Thai dentist shares how one of his patients injured her boyfriend’s penis during oral sex.

The genital area is rich in blood, and any cuts or irritation to the penis can lead to heavy bleeding and potentially lead to infection. You should also be aware of the risks of STIs during oral sex, including open sores, bleeding gums, exposure to ejaculate, and more.

Taking it slow during oral sex can help to reduce the risk of injury. It’s also a good idea to practice on something else before you try it with your partner, as this will help you find the right pressure for each other without damaging your lips or causing pain to your partner.

4. Don’t Injure Your Partner

If you’re not careful, your braces could accidentally injure your partner during oral sex. This is why it’s important to cover your braces with dental wax before trying this activity. Dental or orthodontic wax helps to smooth out any rough spots that could snag lips or tongues and cause pain during oral sex. It also helps to protect the soft tissue of the inner cheeks, mouth, and tongue from getting abrased or scratched.

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It’s also important to make sure that your partner knows you have braces before kissing them or engaging in oral sex with them. This way they can let you know if anything hurts or is uncomfortable. It’s also a good idea to practice with your partner beforehand, so you both have a better understanding of what is involved.

While oral sex with braces can be difficult, it is still possible to have a satisfying and enjoyable experience. By being patient, careful, and communicating with your partner, you can kiss, lick, and bite your way to pleasure without any problems.

However, if you notice any problems with your oral sex while wearing braces, it is a good idea to visit a dentist right away. This will help to ensure that your dental health is on track and will give you peace of mind. Then you can enjoy the intimacy of your relationship knowing that your smile is healthy and beautiful!

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