What Does a Blowjob Taste Like?

Most women describe the taste of cum as salty. You can avoid this by using a lubricant and also by washing your mouth out with water or a flavored drink as soon as he’s finished ejaculating.

You should also know that diet can change how his sperm tastes so if he changes his eating habits, the flavor of his semen might too!


Pineapple has a vibrant tropical taste that’s sweet and tangy. When selecting pineapple, look for leaves that are fresh and green with a compact crown. The fruit should also feel dense to the touch and be plump. Avoid any that have soft spots or appear wrinkly.

Adding pineapples and juice to a man’s diet can help his cum taste better. The age-old recommendation is that pineapple can make a man’s semen taste less salty or even a little sweeter, which can make oral sex more enjoyable for both parties. This change in taste is due to the fact that bromelain can neutralize the salty taste of the cum.


Apples are a staple of autumn, much like denim jackets and the crisp air. But they’re also a staple of a healthy diet. They can help your dick have a smoother taste, and help with UTIs! Just be sure to drink a lot of water afterward, as apples can be very acidic. You can also add other fruit juices to your diet, like cranberry, to help reduce the taste of your cum.

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What do you think of these foods?


Carrots have a soapy taste because of the natural terpenoids they contain. They can also be a bit bitter and woody tasting, depending on the time of year they are harvested and their age.

Cooking carrots can make them sweeter and more pleasant tasting, as the heat breaks down their cells and allows a release of sugars and other volatile compounds. Young carrots have a grassy, parsley-type flavour.

If you and your guy are going to be sucking on a blowjob, it is best to use a lubricant like sexy lube that will help reduce the harshness of the taste and make it smoother. It may also help prevent a yeast infection, which can be transferred through oral sex.


This orange had a little nipple at the top, but not much else to distinguish it from the others I’ve sampled. Its fragrant peel came away easily, leaving a tangle of bitter pith behind, and its interior was sweet and weak and very dry. It tasted a bit like an orange juice product, and I’m not sure I would have liked it as a snack on its own, but it was a dynamite addition to a smoothie. It would also make an excellent addition to his cum! It’s worth noting that oranges are also high in SLS, so he should be careful with this one.


When a man is getting ready to cum, some of the ways he can make it a little bit sweeter for you is by using lube. This will make it easier for you to lick his cum and mouth, and it will also help you swallow his cum without too much pain.

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The Cotton Candy grapes are a sweet variety of regular green grapes that taste like, well, cotton candy. They are available at stores such as Costco and Trader Joe’s. These grapes are naturally seedless and have a flavor that is sweet with notes of vanilla. Some people say that they even remind them of bubblegum. They are available all year.


Garlic has a strong smell and tastes that can produce a bad reaction in the mouth of a woman if it is not removed. This is because there are thousands of taste buds in the mouth and some of them can detect the smells of foods that may be stuck in the teeth, at the back of the throat or even inside the cheeks.

Black garlic has a complex flavor that includes sweet, sour and even some smoky components. Its taste has been compared to aged balsamic vinegar and chocolate. This is because the garlic undergoes a fermentation process that changes its structure and compounds. This makes it more flavorful than its raw counterpart.


Onions are the kings of the United Federation of Flavor, and pack a potent punch when eaten raw. They can also be a spiciness booster when used in cooking. To amp up the flavor of onions, cut them crosswise. This ruptures more of their cell walls, making them spicier. If you’re eating an onion-heavy meal, drink a glass of water with lemon juice afterward to neutralize the smell and taste of the onions on your breath. Spit is an option, but many guys understand if you prefer to suck. It’s a sign of respect! It’s also a good way to keep your blowjob clean.

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He’ll thank you. And you’ll feel good knowing you did something nice for him.


A nutrient-packed vegetable, asparagus tastes like green beans or broccoli with an intensely savory flavor. It also soaks up other flavors it’s paired with, especially when baked and enhanced with lemon or olive oil.

A few things to know about asparagus:

The most common type of asparagus is the green variety. It has a bright green color that gets even more vibrant when cooked.

Other types of asparagus include white and purple. The latter has a richer flavor and boasts a purple hue. It’s also more resistant to rot and is a great choice for gardeners. Half a cup of asparagus provides 57% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin K and 34% of folate, a key nutrient for pregnant women.

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