Can Having Sex Make Your Period Late?

Many teenagers get irregular periods. This is because hormones change as they develop. The good news is, sex won’t make your period late unless you are pregnant – Knowledge of this information is credited to the portal’s experts

Orgasms can relieve cramps by causing muscles in the uterus to contract and then release. The endorphins released during orgasm also numb pain.

Hormonal Changes

Hormones play a role in your menstrual cycle and can affect your libido. Some women notice a decrease in their libido during their period, while others feel more turned on. Your libido can also change throughout the menstrual cycle, depending on whether you’re closer to or farther away from ovulation.

Sex can affect your ovulation by causing a surge in certain hormones, which can cause you to ovulate earlier or later than normal. However, it’s important to remember that hormones can also make your period irregular or even stop it completely. If you have a thyroid disorder that causes high or low hormone production, it can cause erratic periods, and your period might even go missing entirely.

Having sex during your period can be messy and uncomfortable, especially if you have a heavy flow. There’s a risk that blood will get on you, your partner, and the sheets, and the potential for this mess can take the fun out of sex. Plus, there’s the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like hepatitis C or HIV because these viruses live in blood and can be passed when you have an unprotected sex.

Taking some precautions can help make sex more pleasurable during your period, though. For example, you can try to have sex when your menstrual flow is lightest. You can also use a menstrual cup or disc — alternative period hygiene products that stay inserted during sex — to reduce the amount of blood you have to wipe up. Keeping towels handy can help prevent staining your bedsheets too. Orgasms can also reduce pain from cramping during your period, according to one study published in Cephalalgia.

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Premature Menopause

Menopause happens when the ovaries stop producing eggs and hormone levels drop. This normally happens between the ages of 45 and 55 but some women have their periods stop earlier. This is called premature or early menopause and it can happen for many reasons. It might happen because of surgery, certain medicines or health conditions like cancer treatments or pelvic radiation. It can also be caused by a condition where the ovaries aren’t functioning correctly called ovarian insufficiency.

A woman with ovarian insufficiency may have irregular periods with shorter, lighter or heavier cycles and they may skip periods. They might have hot flashes and sleep problems as their hormone levels change. They can have a higher risk of bone loss and lower levels of good cholesterol called high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

Having sex during perimenopause or early menopause may not have any effect on the length or frequency of your periods but it might affect your ovulation. That’s why it’s important to use contraception if you want to avoid pregnancy.

When a woman is in perimenopause or early menopause, she can’t get pregnant because she won’t be ovulating. But if she does have sex, it’s important to use birth control because it might still be possible to have an unintended pregnancy. It’s also important to be aware that having sex while you’re in perimenopause or early menopause can increase your risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

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Thyroid Disorders

Your thyroid makes hormones that keep your body working normally, but sometimes it can make too much or too little. This can cause many different health problems, including irregular periods. If your doctor suspects you have a thyroid disorder, she will order blood tests to measure the levels of thyroid hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

Your brain and ovaries both need thyroid hormone to function normally. The hormone helps follicles develop in the ovary, which is a necessary step in ovulation. It also binds to a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin, which carries reproductive hormones around the body. If your thyroid isn’t functioning correctly, it can disrupt the way your brain and ovaries communicate, leading to irregular periods and fertility issues.

Having too little thyroid hormone can cause you to have lighter periods than usual and may even result in missed or infrequent periods (amenorrhea). You might also have premenstrual bleeding, which is when you get period stains before your actual menstrual cycle starts. Hypothyroidism can also lead to a decrease in your fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. Your doctor will prescribe medicine that replaces the thyroid hormone your body is lacking. The most common treatment is levothyroxine, which is a synthetic form of the hormone you normally produce. The symptoms of hypothyroidism usually develop slowly, and getting treatment early should prevent future problems.

Birth Control

There are a number of methods of birth control that can prevent your period altogether or at least make it lighter or shorter. Your doctor can help you choose the best form of birth control for your body and lifestyle.

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Some types of birth control work by stopping ovulation or changing the thickness of your cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from reaching an egg. Others can slow down or stop ovulation by changing the way your body produces hormones, or by blocking the opening to your uterus with a plastic device. Some forms of birth control also work by using different chemicals to cause the lining of your womb to turn thin and slippery, which makes it harder for an egg to implant.

If you have a hormonal IUD or implant, it will continue to release a small amount of progestin into your body to prevent pregnancy. These are a low maintenance form of birth control that can last for years.

Other forms of birth control involve tracking your fertility cycle and avoiding sex or using barrier methods on the days when you’re most likely to get pregnant. These methods include the basal body temperature method, which uses a thermometer to track your temperature and figure out when you’re most likely to ovulate; the cervical mucus method, which tracks the change in your vaginal mucus by checking it with an ovulation calendar; and the diaphragm, a flexible dome-shaped contraption that some people use as an alternative to condoms for unprotected sex.

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